On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 09:16:04 +0000, Adrian Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's the trouble with unsafePerformIO. Haskell is supposed to be a
> purely functional language and the compiler will assume all functions
> are pure. As soon as you use unsafePerformIO to create something that
> isn't a function you're in grave danger, even if it "looks safe" at
> the local level, it still isn't a function and the damage can't be
> contained at the local level. It's only really OK if it still is
> a function despite the use of unsafePerformIO (which is possible,
> but often hard to be sure about).

Your first reply convinced me that supplying once as a function would
be bad.  I'm still not entirely convinced that hiding it in the
compiler implementation of (x <- someAction) is infeasible, but as you
say the devil's in the details.  Even if it could be hacked to work,
the added complexity is probably not worth it.

> But I thought the point you were making was that the once guaranteed
> that the resulting value was independent of when it got reduced
> (presumably for any action). This isn't generally true, any more
> than it would be true for the x <- someAction solution if some
> action can be *any* IO monadic operation.

Ok, I think that's where we diverged.  I was trying to be more
ambition and also consider actions such as reading in a configuration
file, which seems to be another common use of unsafePerformIO.  The
idea behind "once" is that although the return value does depend on
when it's reduced, this happens at a well-defined location (namely,
where it first appears in the sequence of IO actions that makes up the

But in any event, the proposal for oncePerString/Process/Type seems
like a much a more robust solution than mine.

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