Alexander Foremny wrote:
At first glance I noticed some problems with the vault library for my
particular approach.

Despite from being unique, Key values don't appear to carry any
information like the Label I need. However, it might be possible to
work around that.

The more grave problem seems to be that a Key cannot be
(de-)serialized. This might be impossible due to the type parameter a
in Key a.

Vault is intended to be a store for values of any type, so it doesn't include any restriction on the type a in Key a . For reasons of type safety, this means that keys have to be abstract. You can't create a typed key from an untyped label alone, because this would allow you to coerce a value to a different type (just create two keys of different types from the same label).

However, it is no problem to fix the types of values to some finite collection.

That should work. You have to reify the type a in Key a in the value of the key. I think it's possible to use a data type family for the map type.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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