Not exactly what you asked for, but...

    filter (uncurry somePredicate) $ (,) <$> list1 <*> list2

does the job.

Using only applicative operations, it's impossible to affect the 'shape' of
the result--this is the difference in power between applicative and monad.

  -- ryan

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 7:40 AM, felipe zapata <> wrote:

> Hi Haskellers,
> Suppose I have two list and I want to calculate
> the cartesian product between the two of them,
> constrained to a predicate.
> In List comprehension notation is just
> result = [ (x, y) | x <- list1, y <-list2, somePredicate x y ]
> or in monadic notation
> result = do
>  x <- list1
>  y <- list2
>  guard (somePredicate x y)
> return $ (x,y)
> Then I was wondering if we can do something similar using an applicative
> style
> result = (,) <$> list1 <*> list2 (somePredicate ???)
> The question is then,
> there is a way for defining a guard in applicative Style?
> Thanks in advance,
> Felipe Zapata.
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