Something to consider is that it's not so much whether the material is
basic, advanced, or intermediate; it's that the way it's being presented is
boring and ineffective.

Take the Head First Java book, which was deliberately engineered to
overcome precisely this hitherto neglected aspect of technical teaching.
There's a lot we can learn from how that book was put together because it's
done wonders for onboarding java developers.

A summary of what makes the book different:

-- Kim-Ee

On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 9:43 PM, Manuel M T Chakravarty <
> wrote:

> Most existing Haskell books and similar teaching material is aimed at
> programmers who are new to Haskell. This survey is to assess the community
> interest in teaching material covering advanced topics beyond the commonly
> taught introductory material.
> Manuel
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