On 12-11-20 05:37 PM, Gregory Guthrie wrote:
No; the first sentence says that someone else had reported that testing on 
Windows was hard to do because of (a perceived) lack of access to Windows by 
Haskell developers... The implication is that Haskell developers (only/mainly) 
use *nix.
I commented that if true this lack of Windows testing could limit the 
availability of Haskell to the largest market share of users.

Clearly, since >90% of computers have Windows, it should be trivial to find one to test on, if a programmer wants to. Surely every programmer is surrounded by Windows-using family and friends? (Perhaps to the programmer's dismay, too, because the perpetual "I've got a virus again, can you help?" is so annoying?) We are not talking about BeOS.

Therefore, if programmers do not test on Windows, it is because they do not want to.

And why would they want to?

Take webapp programmers for example. 99.999...% [1] of computers have sufficiently new web browsers. This market share is even higher than Windows. At the server side, the programmers have freedom in choosing the OS, and apparently, they choose anything but Windows, and this has never limited them in accessing >99.999...% of computer users.

And this, 99.999...% web browser market share, is exactly driving Haskell growth. Not the petty >90% Windows slice.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/0.999...

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