Nathan Hüsken wrote:
Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Personally, I would recommend is a complete change in perspective.

The main idea of FRP is that it is a method to describe the evolution of
values in time. What is a game? It's just a picture that evolves in
time. The user can exert influence on the evolution by clicking certain
buttons on a mechanical device, but in the end, all he sees is a picture
that moves. [..]

That perspective certainly make sense. But couldn't one also describe a
game as a set of entities (spaceships) that react to the clicking of

Of course, generally speaking, you can describe it any way you like, FRP is just a perspective, not a dictatorial doctrine.

But you probably mean that you want to describe spaceships within the FRP perspective, though independent of how they are displayed. That's a good point, which I missed. (The guideline of working backwards from the very final result has served me very well when developing in FRP style, though, hence my insistence on it.)

In the FRP perspective, I would use a slightly different language, though. Namely, I would not say that spaceships are "entities that react to button clicks", but rather that they are "represented by time-varying positions that depend on past button clicks". The change is subtle but important: you invert the direction of control. Instead of having a button click do something to the spaceship ("push"), you have a spaceship whose present position depends on past button clicks ("pull").

The FRP perspective is also more "holistic": you can think of a spaceship and other time-varying values as if you knew their values for all points in time, as if you were given graphical plots. (I have drawn a few pretty pictures in the slides linked to here <>)

If I take for example the breakout game from here [1]. It outputs an
object "scene" of type Picture. But this picture is calculated from the
objects "ballPos" and "paddlePos". So first a game state (ballPos,
paddlePos) is created and than transformed to something renderable.

I believe all examples I have seen for games with FRP follow this
pattern, and I would I want to do is seperate the steps of calculating
the game state and calculating the renderable from it.

In that light, the separation seems straightforward to me. Given the time-varying values that represent game objects,

   bSpaceShipPosition :: Behavior Position
   bAsteroidPositions :: Behavior [Position]
   bTime              :: Behavior Time

you can transform and combine them into a graphic, for instance like this

   bSpaceShipPicture :: Behavior Graphic
   bSpaceShipPicture =
       blinkenLights <$> bTime <*> bSpaceShipPosition

   bAsteroidPictures = map drawAsteroid <$> bAsteroidPositions

   bPicture = overlay <$>
       ((:) <$> bSpaceShipPicture <*> bAsteroidPictures)

In other words, you just combine old time-varying values into new ones, much like you would combine combine graphical plots. Also note that you can add animation a posteriori; it doesn't have to be part of the values representing a space ship.

Of course, one important question is whether to represent asteroid positions as a time-varying collection Behavior [Position] or as a collection of time-varying values [Behavior Position] . The latter form tends to require dynamic event switching, while the former form tends towards a monolithic GameState value, which would forgo many of the advantages of FRP.

I don't have enough practical experience to give a useful recommendation here, but at the moment, I tend towards breaking it up as much as possible, but trying to avoid dynamic event switching. My rule of thumb is to model similar objects (asteroids) as a time-varying collection, while modeling distinct objects (player space ship) as individual behaviors.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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