
I have "read" Fowler's book.(that is focusing on Java by the way) and could not 
find the answer there, I think it is a typical textbook.
I think this is a good start by the way:


On Dec 2, 2012, at 5:45 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 7:31 PM, Joerg Fritsch <> wrote:
> This is probably a very basic question.
> I am working on a DSL that eventuyally would allow me to say:
> import language.cwmwl
> main = runCWMWL $ do
>     eval ("isFib::", 1000, ?BOOL)
> I have just started to work on the interpreter-function runCWMWL and I wonder 
> whether it is possible to escape to real Haskell somehow (and how?) either 
> inside ot outside the do-block.
> I thought of providing a defautl-wrapper for some required prelude functions 
> (such as print) inside my interpreter but I wonder if there are more elegant 
> ways to co-loacate a DSL and Haskell without falling back to being a normal 
> library only.
> --Joerg
> +1
> I am also interested in the DSL-in-Haskell possibilities
> [I am assuming Joerg that you're familiar with the basic ideas and 
> terminology like
> and the links 
> therein]
> Rusi
> -- 

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