2012-12-06 01:16, Christopher Howard skrev:
Hi. I was wondering what the various (and especially most simple)
approaches one could take for working with (simulating or calculating)
sequential logic in Haskell. By sequential logic, I mean like wikipedia
describes, where a system is made up of logic gates, whose output is
dependent not only on the logic operation of the gate, but on the
previous state of the gate. (Like in electronics where the system can be
driven by a clock signal or have memory.)

Does one have to get into FRP for that sort of thing? Or use some kind
of FSM framework? Or is there some kind of fancy state monad suitable
for that? Or...?

I'm no electronic or digital engineer, but for learning purposes I've
been trying to see if I could build an (extremely simple) virtual
processor or calculator in Haskell, using only the Bool type and a few
of the boolean operators (and functions composed of the aforementioned),
reproducing things like half adders and full adders as functions in the
program. Of course, I quickly ran into the stateful aspect of the
problem, in subjects like clock signal and flip flops.

If you just want to simulate your design, this is actually very easy. Signals can be represented as a stream of bits (an old idea dating at least from Sheeran's µFP, 1984):

> type Bit    = Bool
> type Signal = [Bit]

Constant signals are defined using `repeat`:

> low, high :: Signal
> low  = repeat False
> high = repeat True

Basic gates are implemented using `map` and `zipWith` over the streams:

> inv :: Signal -> Signal
> inv = map not
> (<&>) :: Signal -> Signal -> Signal
> (<&>) = zipWith (&&)
> (<|>) :: Signal -> Signal -> Signal
> (<|>) = zipWith (||)

And flip-flops are defined by just shifting the stream one step:

> delay :: Bool -> Signal -> Signal
> delay init sig = init : sig

(Note that the clock is implicit.)

Here is a simple oscillator

> osc :: Signal
> osc = let out = delay False (inv out) in out

which we can simulate as follows:

  *Main> take 10 osc

If you want a more full-blown system with the possibility of also generating VHDL, check out Lava:



https://github.com/ku-fpg/kansas-lava (The Hackage version doesn't compile on GHC 7.6.)

The two versions are based on the same ideas. The former is a bit simpler, but less useful for practical stuff.

The oscillator looks almost the same in Lava (Kansas):

> osc :: Seq Bool
> osc = let out = register False (bitNot out) in out

  *Main> takeS 10 osc
  low | high | low | high | low | high | low | high | low | high | ? .

/ Emil

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