On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Casey Basichis <caseybasic...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm not sure what you mean.
> I would imagine popular success for either would be circumstantial and
> have little to do with their actual ability and more to do with the
> opportunities they pursue and the cultural atmosphere at the time.

> For this student:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bjKDJD-CLc
> I would have a very clear idea of the many things

He He... Yes you are making a similar point to what I am making --
calibrating the learning curve.

I would excise from the typical piano education to help her form her
> musical intuitions as simply and effectively as possible, with the
> knowledge that in time, she will find her own way to a personal style and
> repertoire.
> You are being a little cryptic.  I don't see how the nuances that
> differentiate two experts relates.
Sorry… Yes…
a. There are some concerns which a teacher thinks about which experts --
whether in FP or in music -- may not think about
b. And then there is a side that is going too far afield for a haskell
list… so yes I was cryptic I guess.

For now let me say this much: I spent much precious time and energy and
vitality in my younger days trying (more correctly wishing) to play piano
like Cziffra and just making a thorough mess.  If my teacher had calibrated
my learning curve according to my needs rather than my whims it may have
been better.  Then again who knows? How many talented students have lost
interest due to over-strict teachers?

This line of inquiry is perhaps best taken off the haskell list. For now
let me just make a couple of observations that are (hopefully :-) )
on-topic for the question of learning haskell, though (1,2) are true for
learning anything, not just FP/Haskell.

1. In any field, teachers need to work out the path aka learning curve
through the field.  This usually manifests as 'pre-requisites' in a
curricular structure. eg
To study quantum physics, differential equations are needed, they need
algebra, which needs basic arithmetic
2. What the student thinks he most needs, he usually needs to go easy on.
eg diabetics like sweets (usually), BP-patients like salty savouries and
obese/heart-patients like rich food
3. In CS/programming the problems are compounded; nobody agrees on how the
basics and the advanced stuff bifurcate.  How many CS depts have a
significant amount of haskell? How many start with haskell?
Yes, you may say, but that is a local, specific problem.
I would like to suggest that it is general and systemic:
So if I may quote myself:
http://blog.languager.org/2011/02/cs-education-is-fat-and-weak-2.html :
CS-academics are mostly teaching the wrong things, and when right in the
wrong order.

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