I hadn't seen this before, but I tried it out, and the parts I'm interested
in are nice. The indenting is less flaky than what I was using before
(comments had issues).

If you're rewriting things, though, it'd be nice to be able to customize
indentation a little more. For instance, I like laying out ifs like:

    if foo
      then bar
      else baz

But I like to lay out wheres as:

    foo = ...
     bar = ...

But both the indents here are based on shiftwidth, so they're tied together.

Another 'nice to have' would be some intelligent outdenting. For instance,
if you type a let block right now:

    let foo = zig
        bar = zag
        in ...

That's what you'll get. It'd be nice if typing the 'in' snapped back to the
let. I know it's possible to implement something like this, because the
scala indentation mode I use frequently outdents when I type '=>' (which
annoys the hell out of me, because it's almost never correct), but I don't
know if it can be done intelligently enough to be useful (which would be
important). Something to keep in mind, though.

-- Dan

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 9:48 AM, dag.odenh...@gmail.com <
dag.odenh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I see now in your README that you have seen vim2hs.  I'd love to hear what
> you disliked about it, especially given my plan to rewrite the whole thing
> [1]! :)
> [1] https://github.com/dag/vim2hs/issues/45
> On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 3:38 PM, dag.odenh...@gmail.com <
> dag.odenh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Have you seen vim2hs?
>> https://github.com/dag/vim2hs
>> On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 9:11 PM, Tristan Ravitch <travi...@cs.wisc.edu>wrote:
>>> Cafe,
>>> I've recently been playing with vim and wasn't quite satisfied with the
>>> existing syntax highlighting and indentation, so I thought I'd try my
>>> hand at a new Haskell mode:
>>> https://github.com/travitch/hasksyn
>>> It is minimal in that it doesn't provide support for running external
>>> commands over code or anything fancy.  It just does syntax highlighting
>>> and reasonably-smart indentation.  There is no support for literate
>>> Haskell since supporting both with one mode is very tricky.
>>> It might be useful to some people.  Comments, bug reports, and
>>> suggestions
>>> welcome.
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