On 13-03-20 06:54 PM, OWP wrote:
For me personally, one thing I enjoy about a typical procedural program
is that it allows me to "Brute Force Learn".

1. I believe that you can also stare at functional programs and figure out as much as what you can with procedural programs.

It only requires knowing the language and the libraries. And you can no longer argue that functional languages are more declarative or higher level than procedural languages. Once upon a time, it was true, with parametricity, algebraic data types, higher-order functions, and list comprehensions; now procedural languages have them too or competitive alternatives.

2. I doubt how much you can learn from staring, be it functional programs or procedural programs.

I posit that at most you're just reading aloud in your native tongue how to execute the program. But then you're just competing with a computer at its job. You barely know what requirement the program satisfies, much less why the program satisfies that requirement.

(With the exception that the program contains no iteration or recursion, or contains just boring iteration or recursion such as walking over an array.)

I do not mean that you lack jargons like "gradient" and "matrix", no. You can explain in your own words, if you know the right idea but just not the jargon. I am positing this: apart from telling me how to execute the program, you cannot explain the purpose of the program, not even in your own words, because you do not know.

Here is an example I learned recently. It is ingenious.

Let A, B be arrays of the same length N. Their elements are numbers. They use 0-based indexing. They are the input.

int h=0, i=0, j=0;
bool answer;

while (h<N && i<N && j<N) {
    int Aih = A[(i+h) % N], Bjh = B[(j+h) % N];

    if (Aih == Bjh) {
        h = h + 1;
    } else if (Aih > Bjh) {
        i = i + h + 1;
        h = 0;
    } else { /* Aih < Bjh */
        j = j + h + 1;
        h = 0;
answer = (h >= N);

answer is the output. What does answer say about the input?

The algorithm is no different in Haskell (it makes me use lowercase a, b, n):

answer = go 0 0 0
go h i j =
    if h<n && i<n && j<n then
        case compare (a!((i+h) `mod` n)) (b!((j+h) `mod` n)) of
            EQ -> go (h+1) i j
            GT -> go 0 (i+h+1) j
            LT -> go 0 i (j+h+1)
    else h>=n

3. I completely refuse to believe that you literally do not know what you're doing before you start.

If it were true, it must be like this: You throw dice 500 times to generate a 500-character file. If the compiler doesn't like it, you throw dice more times to decide what to mutate in that file. Eventually the compiler surrenders. Now, and only now, you stare at the file for a few minutes, and discover: it implements doubly linked list! It will be useful when you write your own web browser later, it can help provide the "back" button and the "forward" button...

No, it has to be the other way round. You have to decide to attempt a web browser project or whatever in the first place. You are vague about details, what not to include, what to include, how to do them... but you know vaguely it's a web browser. After some time, you have to decide which part, however small, you start to code up. Maybe you decide to code up a doubly linked list first. Now you type up something. You type up something knowing that the short term goal is doubly linked list, and the long term goal is some kind of web browser or whatever project it is. This much you know. And while you type, every key you type you strive to get closer to a doubly linked list in good faith. Maybe sometimes you're creative, maybe sometimes you make mistakes, maybe you write clever code and I can't understand it, but it is not random typing, you know the purpose, you have reasons, you understand, and you don't just stare.

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