Hi Café:

I created just now an issue in cabal-dev:


When compiling old developments, I wish cabal-dev to install and build
dependencies that were available at a that time

I don't know if  there are alternatives to solving this issue. I think that
this is very useful and necessary, specially now when library updates are
increasingly frequent.

Maybe this problem is already solved and I just don´t know (as is often the
case, for example when, in a sudden aha moment, I reinvented cabal-install
months after the release). That is the reason why I tell you about it here
in order to discuss it.


I´m installing now an old soft development. Since many of my dependencies
were labeled with -any or with > , neither I neither cabal know which
library versions are the right ones. By taking into account a date
parameter, cabal-dev can figure out which libraries were the latest and the
right ones at that time.
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