hi frerich,

On May 31, 2013, at 2:17 AM, Frerich Raabe wrote:
> Is anybody aware of open source projects which I could look at, or is there 
> maybe a conventional file extension for… what do you call them, "Shakefiles"? 
> other than .hs which I could google for?

we are using a shake-based build system for our mobile sound engine [1]; see 
the shakefile here [2] and associated modules [3]. the focus is on 
cross-compilation of static/shared libraries for mobile platforms (currently 
ios, android in the works) so it might not be what you're looking for. however, 
most of it is quite generic (if you're working with c, c++, objc, asm) and 
we're going to release it as a library as soon the features and the API have 
settled a bit.


[1] http://methc.la
[2] https://github.com/samplecount/methcla/blob/develop/engine/shakefile.hs
[3] https://github.com/samplecount/methcla/tree/develop/engine/Shakefile

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