This is great fun, more people should come and join us! =)

we are playing game "demo3".


On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 05:57:57PM +0200, Corentin Dupont wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> Here it comes, the second beta release [1] of Nomyx, the only game where
> You can change the rules!!
> This is an implementation of a Nomic [2] game in Haskell (I believe the
> first complete implementation of a Nomic game on a computer). In a
> Nomyxgame you can change the rules of the game itself while playing
> it. The
> players can submit new rules or modify existing ones, thus completely
> changing the behaviour of the game through time. The rules are managed and
> interpreted by the computer. They must be written in the Nomyx language,
> which is a subset of Haskell.
> At the beginning, the initial rules are describing:
> - how to add new rules and change existing ones. For example a unanimity
> vote is necessary to have a new rule accepted.
> - how to win the game. For example you win the game if you have 5 rules
> accepted.
> But of course even that can be changed!
> Here is a video introduction and first tutorial of the game:
> The game is running here:
> I have set up a forum where players can learn about Nomyx and discuss the
> rules they intend to propose:
> The example file gives a lot of examples of rules that you can submit:
> Changes from V0.1:
> - new login system: you can now login with your Google, Yahoo, Live
> Journal, Myspace, OpenId or Facebook accounts (thanks to
> happstack-authenticate)!
> - new DSL for voting (see below)
> - styling: rule code colorized, better settings and help
> - use cookies to store the user ID (as suggested on this mailing list)
> - new error system to handle exceptions in rules (with ErrorT)
> - use lenses
> I set up a little DSL to create elections (elect one of the players for a
> special role) or referendums (a yes/no question).
> You create in one line within Nomyx an vote with unanimity or majority, a
> quorum and different ballot systems. See here:
> Let's test it! If you are interested, please go to this forum thread and
> we'll set up a small team to start a match!
> The demo game is running here: then select game
> "demo2".
> As the first player of the game, I changed the initial unanimity vote to a
> simple majority, with a minimum of 2 players voting. Having your new rules
> accepted will be easy!
> Let's see who will win :)
> Cheers,
> Corentin
> [1]
> [2]

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