Unfortunately, I don't know how to make the arrow keys work in rxvt. I'm not the right person to ask about such things...
I don't think it's possible (unless GHC is built for Cygwin, or something).
Does anybody else know?

I use an alias

  alias ghciW='cmd /c start ghci'

That way I can start GHCi in a new DOS window from rxvt. I usually want two windows anyway -- one for the interactive session and one to compile other modules.

/ Emil

Maurício skrev:
I'm also using GHC 6.4.1 and rxvt v2.7.10. The problem does occur in compiled code, but everything is OK in ghci!
  hFlush stdout did solve the problem, as expected.
I've just started using rxvt. If you have tips on how to make ghci work well with rxvt, please share them with me (for instance, how to set the top arrow to repeat the last line, instead of moving the cursor one live above. I don't understand very well how those applications handle keyboard).


Emil Axelsson wrote:
What version of GHC are you using?
Your code works for me in rxvt in Cygwin, with GHC 6.4.1. But I remember having that same problem earlier (in some earlier GHC version, so it may be fixed by now).

The solution was to run hFlush after each putStr, like so:

  import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)

  do putStr "..."
     hHlush stdout

If I remember correctly, the problem only occurred in GHCi and Hugs -- not when compiling the code.

/ Emil

Maurício skrev:

You're right... I was running the example in rxvt, in cygwin. Now I tried in Windows command shell and it works.


Cale Gibbard wrote:

That doesn't happen for me at all, it works just fine. Maybe it's
something wrong with your terminal? You could possibly try playing
with the buffering settings on stdout, using hSetBuffering in

 - Cale

On 17/02/06, Maurício <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Dear Haskell users,

I have a problem using IO. The small test program below asks the user
to guess from a list of random numbers between 1 and 10. Everything
works well excepts for one problem: all the messages ("Guess a
number...", "Right..." and "Wrong...") are printed after the program
finishes, i.e., I have to use it blind. I'm afraid I misunderstand
something important about lazyness or monads... What am I doing wrong?


module Main where
import Random

main = do
   r_gen <- getStdGen --random generator
   let r_list = (randomRs (1,10) r_gen) --random list
   guess_loop (r_list)

guess_loop (r:r_others) = do
   putStrLn "Guess a number between 1 and 10:"
   n <- readLn
   if n==r
      then do
         putStrLn "Right! :)"
         return ()
      else do
         putStrLn "Wrong... :("
         guess_loop r_others

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