Henning Thielemann wrote:
On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, Lennart Augustsson wrote:
I don't think Haskell really has the mechanisms for setting up an
algebraic class hierarchy the right way.  Consider some classes we
might want to build: SemiGroup

The problem is that going from, say, AbelianMonoid to SemiRing you
want to add a new Monoid (the multiplicative) to the class.  So
SemiRing is a subclass of Monoid in two different way, both for +
and for *.
I don't know of any nice way to express this is Haskell.

Thanks for confirming what I wrote. :-)

If the above is equivalent to saying "Monoid is a *superclass* of SemiRing in two different ways", then can someone explain why this approach would not work (posted earlier):

   data Multiply = Multiply
   data Add = Add

   class Group c e where
       group :: c -> e -> e -> e
       identity :: c -> e
       inverse :: c -> e -> e

   instance Group Multiply Rational where
       group Multiply x y = ...
       identity Multiply = 1
       inverse Multiply x = ...

   instance Group Add Rational where
       group Add x y = ...
       identity Add = 0
       inverse Add x = ...

   (+) :: Group Add a => a -> a -> a
   (+) = group Add

   (*) = group Multiply

   class (Group Multiply a, Group Add a) => Field a where ...

If the objection is just that you can't make something a subclass in two different ways, the above is surely a counterexample. Of course I made the above example more fixed than it should be ie:

   class (Group mult a, Group add a) => Field mult add a where ...

and only considered the relationship between groups and fields - obviously other classes would be needed before and in-between, but perhaps the problem is that even with extra parameters (to represent *all* the parameters in the corresponding tuples used in maths), there is no way to get a hierarchy?

Thanks, Brian.
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Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
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