On 11/17/06, Henning Thielemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, Clara Zamolo wrote:
> buildCouples = snd . foldl op (0,[])
>        where
>        op (v,xs) x = (v+x,xs++[(x,v)])

You could make something like this that doesn't have quadratic-type
appends by accumulating functions instead of lists:

Prelude> snd (foldl (\(s,f) x -> (x+s,f . ((x,s):))) (0,id) [1..6]) []

but this is better:

I suggest using 'scanl' and then 'zip' the result together with the
original list.

Or, equivalently, use mapAccumL from the Data.List library:

Prelude Data.List> snd $ mapAccumL (\s x -> (s + x,(x,s))) 0 [1..6]

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