Ah, yet another UndeadArray necromancer exhausting his stack of bones.
May the forces of light suggest to structure the incantation of darkness?

    modifyArray arr i f =
        readArray arr i >>= \y -> writeArray arr i (f y)

    accumM :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) =>
        (e -> e' -> e) -> a i e -> [(i, e')] -> m ()
    accumM f arr xs = mapM_ chg xs
        where chg (i,x) = modifyArray arr i (flip f x)

    twodice (x:x':xs)   = (x+x') `div` 2 : twodice xs
    noise rng gen       = twodice $ randomRs rng gen

    main = do
        let bnds = (0, 10000000)
        buf <- newArray_ bnds :: IO Buffer

        gen <- getStdGen
        accumM (curry snd) buf $ zip (range bnds) $ noise (2,12) gen

I absolutely don't know why there is no (accumM) function in the
standard libraries. And having the ByteString API (maybe even the
fusion) for general arrays would be very nice. Maybe (modifyArray) is
missing, too.


PS: did you try
   worker low (i `seq` i-1)   ?
PSS: The strictness analyzer is likely to insert that automatically if
you compile with -O or -O2.

Niko Korhonen wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have the following code whose purpose is to add dither (noise) to a given
> array. The code looks very straightforward but apparently it has a memory
> leak somewhere. Here I try to run the algorithm for an array of 10,000,000
> integers. Ten million unboxed strict integers should equal to 40MB which
> should pose no problems to any modern system. However, the program fails
> with a stack overflow error. I'm using GHC 6.6 on Windows with 1 GB of RAM.
> I've tried applying seq and some other strictness tricks (such as x == x)
> pretty much everywhere on the code with no results. Could you please
> help me
> understand what is going on here? Have I misunderstood something
> critical in
> how Haskell works? Here is the relevant portion of the code:
> module Main where
> import Data.Array.IO
> import System.Random
> type Buffer = IOUArray Int Int
> -- | Triangular Probability Density Function, equivalent to a roll of two
> dice.
> -- The number sums have different probabilities of surfacing.
> tpdf :: (Int, Int) -> IO Int
> tpdf (low, high) = do
>    first <- getStdRandom (randomR (low, high))
>    second <- getStdRandom (randomR (low, high))
>    return ((first + second) `div` 2)
> -- | Fills an array with dither generated by the specified function.
> genSeries :: Buffer -> ((Int, Int) -> IO Int) -> (Int, Int) -> IO ()
> genSeries buf denfun lims =
>    let worker low i
>            | i >= low = do
>                r <- denfun lims
>                writeArray buf i r
>                worker low (i - 1)
>            | otherwise = return ()
>    in do
>        (lo, hi) <- getBounds buf
>        worker lo hi
> main = do
>    -- This should allocate a 40 MB array
>    buf <- newArray_ (0, 10000000) :: IO Buffer
>    -- Fill the array with dither
>    genSeries buf tpdf (2, 12)

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