
On 12/13/06, Claus Reinke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

we have had lots of languages that were intended to be well-designed
(good, beautiful, ..), but never much used in practice, and we have also
had lots of languages that were intended to be pragmatic (practical,
useful, ..), without much interest in theoretical beauty. but how many
languages are there where the two aspects have converged, with both
communities still actively interested in the result?

    Lua is a small scripting language created in academia, whose
authors are academics,  that has reached the industry embedded in
several well-known products such as World of Warcraft or Adobe
Lightroom (which is 40% Lua). Frequently people ask for bloat in the
mailing list, and the usual answer is "why?". The authors claim that
when thinking about a new version of Lua they don't think of features
to add, but what features they can remove.
    So I'd say it's perfectly possible to have an academia-backed
language useful for the "real world".

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