On 12/13/06, Justin Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 12/12/06, Joachim Durchholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Agreed.
> Something along the lines of "The Art of Functional Programming".

+1 . I would love to read something that is the equivalent of 'design
patterns',  but for functional languages. I thought Osasaki's book "Purely
Functional Data Structures" would have that, but it was little too focused
on proving properties of algorithms. As someone in industry, that wasn't so
important to me. I want to learn how to "think" functionally.

Check out this paper by Jeremy Gibbons, "Design Patterns as
Higher-Order Datatype-Generic Programs":

If you want to learn how to "think" functionally, forget you ever
heard the words "design pattern". There shouldn't be patterns in your
programs. If there are, that means that either your language isn't
providing you with enough abstractions or that you aren't using the
abstractions that are available (or possibly both).


Kirsten Chevalier* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Often in error, never in doubt
"Anyone who spends their life on a computer is pretty unusual." -- Bill Gates
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