Yes, dependent types have a lot to do with all this. And I am an eager lurker of all this Epigram.

Scott Brickner wrote:
Jacques Carette wrote:
Array out-of-bounds, fromJust, head on an empty list, and pattern-match failures are in my list of things I wish the type system could help me with. And sometimes it can [again, see Oleg's posts]. But is definitely where I am *eager* to see developments.
I agree with you, though - I'm very eager to see further developments along these lines. It's the main reason I started learning Haskell, and I'm absolutely convinced that functional programming and this kind of increasingly strong typing are the way of the future for programming.
What must be remembered is that full dependent types are NOT needed to get a lot of the benefits of dependent-like types. This is what some of Oleg's type gymnastics shows (and others too). My interest right now lies in figuring out exactly how much can be done statically. For example, if one had decent naturals at the type level (ie naturals encoded not-in-unary) with efficient arithmetic AND a few standard decision procedures (for linear equalities and inequalities say), then most of the things that people currently claim need dependent types are either decidable or have very strong heuristics that "work" [1].


 author    = {Thomas Fahringer and
              Bernhard Scholz},
 title     = {Advanced Symbolic Analysis for Compilers: New Techniques
and Algorithms for Symbolic Program Analysis and Optimization},
 publisher = pub-SV,
 series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
 volume    = {2628},
 year      = {2003},
 isbn      = {3-540-01185-4}
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