On Feb 10, 2007, at 9:15 , Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:


Then another problem,after I unregistered cgi-2006.9.6,the
fastcgi-2006.10.9could't work well with
cgi-1.0 .

You might need fastcgi-1.0:


Actually,I was trying my best to install hope:
http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~bringert/darcs/hope  and lasted for three
it's really too hard.

hope really is rather hard to install. You're best 'hope' is to get
packages from hackage that match version numbers you're after:


And then anything else from darcs. hope is really the pathological case for dependencies at the moment. Perhaps shapr or Bjorn can comment on the
issues involed?

We hope to be able to solve the hope (and other complex package)
problems with cabal-install, which will pull all dependencies off
hackage, build them, and build your package, automatically. It's almost

A few days ago I put some work into the hope.cabal file, so that you should now be able to use that to build it. Just get the versions of all packages listed in the current darcs version of hope.cabal. I think all of them except the haskelldb ones are available from Hackage. If haskelldb 0.10 was released and uploaded to Hackage, I think you could even install Hope itself from Hackage.

I've also recently changed the version number scheme on most of the packages I maintain (which includes most of the packages required by Hope) from a date-based one to a major.minor scheme. This has the unfortunate side-effect of making newer versions have smaller version numbers than older ones, but it felt silly to start with a major version number of 2008. That might have been a bad decision.

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