Given the amount of material posted at haskell.org and elsewhere
explaining IO, monads and functors, has anyone considered publishing
a comprehensive book explaining those subjects?  (I am trying to
read all the material online, but books are easier to read and don't
require sitting in front of a computer to do so. Plus I can write in
books :-). )

Well, how much in depth are you interested in getting?  I started reading
Categories for the Working Mathematician a couple of months ago, and while
it sometimes takes a bit of work it's a very good introduction.  The only
caution I have is that if you don't have that strong of a math background,
or hadn't done it in a few years (like myself), you may have to lookup a lot
of definitions in order to understand his examples.  Wikipedia usually
provides enough of a detailed description that you can get the point.
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