
I'm trying to figure out how to test a Parsec-based parser with Smallcheck [1]. My test AST is below and the goal is to return StyleValue <Int here> if the parser is fed an integer, or return Solid when parsing "Solid", etc.

data Style
    = StyleValue Expr
    | Solid
    | Dashed
    | Dotted
    | Dashed2
    | Dashed3
    deriving Show

I figure that the following is needed somehow:

instance Serial Style where
    series = cons1 StyleValue . depth 0
             \/ cons0 Solid
             \/ cons0 Dashed
             \/ cons0 Dashed2
             \/ cons0 Dashed3
             \/ cons0 Dotted

My parser is 'style', so I would be passing it as p below

run p input =
    case (parse p "" input) of
      Left err -> do { putStr "parse error at "
                     ; print err
      Right x -> x

How do I go from here to making sure my parser is valid?

I thought of the following property (thanks sjanssen)

prop_parse p s =
    show (run p s) == s

but I don't know how to proceed from here.

        Thanks, Joel



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