On 5/26/07, Adrian Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Judah Jacobson wrote:
> In contrast to recent proposals, this one requires no extra syntax or
> use of unsafe functions by the programmer.

I'm not aware of any proposals (recent or ancient:-) that require the
use of unsafe functions by the programmer (well apart from the
unsafePerformIO hack itself).

I was referring to the proposal to make that hack somewhat safer by
adding a NO_INLINE_OR_CSE pragma.

Also adding extra syntax is no problem
these days. It's trivially simple (and indeed desirable in this case
IMHO). It's the underlying compiler magic requires significant extra
work I think.

Reading last week's conversation on the topic, I got the impression
that the debate is still ongoing with respect to that point.  Although
this proposal is a little less aesthetic than those for mdo or ACIO, I
think the fact that it touches so few parts of the language might make
some people more comfortable with it.  In particular, an
implementation only needs to:

- add the OnceInit/OnceIO class declarations (trivial)
- add the "OnceIO" deriving clause logic (in GHC, this would be
isolated to one module)
- add a NO_CSE pragma at the Core syntax level. (already suggested for
other conservative proposals).

But whether that's being *too* conservative is a matter of opinion, of course.

> ------------------------------------------------
> Under this proposal, we would write instead:
> ------------------------------------------------
> newtype UniqueRef = UniqueRef (IORef Integer)
>                        deriving OnceIO
> instance OnceInit UniqueRef where
>    onceInit = liftM UniqueRef (newIORef 0)

A purely aesthetic objection, but to me it looks quite obfuscated
compared to:

uniqueRef :: IORef Integer
uniqueRef <- ACIO.newIORef 0

But I guess perhaps what's going on here could be made clearer with
the right syntactic sugar :-)

If you're going to use syntactic sugar anyway, I think that negates
the main appeal of this proposal.  Instead, we could ignore deriving
clauses altogether, and add an optional keyword "oneshot" to type
declarations, e.g.:

oneshot uniqueRef :: IO (IORef Integer)
uniqueRef = newIORef 0

Now that I mention it, that idea's not too bad either...

Finally, the useage problem I mentioned. Having to create a distinct
type for each "top level thing with identity" (my terminology)
seems like it could cause difficulties (probably not insoluble
problems though).

My feeling is that most programs would use few enough TWIs that having
to declare extra types would not be a big hastle.  But I see you're
challenging that point below:

If you look at the wiki page you'll see the device driver example I
put there. This has two device handles at the top level (both same
type), with a device driver API that takes either the device handle
itself or a device session handle (which will contain the corresponding
device handle) as parameters (so in principle it can be used with any
number of devices provided the corresponding device handles are

My question is, what would this example look like using the solution
you propose? I can think of at least two possibilities, both of which
seem quite awkward. But I'll leave it to you to think about this
with a bit more care than perhaps I have. It'd be nice to see the
solution on the Wiki too.

If you want several different devices, you could wrap them all in one
large type:

data DeviceHandle = ...
createDeviceHandle :: BaseAddress -> IO DeviceHandle

data AllHandles = AllHandles {handle1, handle2 :: DeviceHandle} deriving OnceIO

instance OnceInit AllHandles where
   onceInit = liftM2 AllHandles
                (createDeviceHandle baseAddress1)
                (createDeviceHandle baseAddress2)

device1, device2 :: IO DeviceHandle
device1 = liftM handle1 runOnce
device2 = liftM handle2 runOnce

This proposal does seem to encourage consolidating TWIs into one part
of the program; from a design perspective, that may not be entirely a
bad thing.

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