apfelmus wrote:
Phlex wrote:
Ketil Malde wrote:
Is the relational model a better fit than the object model for
functional programming ?

Well, not really. I mean, if the problem is indeed to store all known
planets in the universe, then it's indeed a database in nature and you
have to support fine grained operations like

   delete :: Key -> Database -> Database
   insert :: Key -> Item -> Database -> Database
   ... and so on ...

(Note that some proposals like

  changeGalaxies $ changePlanet 0 $ changeName $ const "first"

or functional references can be interpreted as keys for 'insert' or
'delete'. I mean that this expression already is the key to look up a
planet inside the universe, it's just that this key has a rather unusual
type. And that you can compose keys.)

But if the problem at hand is perhaps a binary search tree or some other
data structure, you can implement many operations without using
per-element 'delete' or 'insert' although every operation can in
principle be built up from those. Maybe it helps if you elaborate on
your concrete problem?

Well the current state of my haskell knowledge doesn't allow any kind of serious work, so I'm indeed currently playing with Universe, Galaxies, Systems, Planets and Moons =P. I'm an application programmer, and i thought that if I can model a moving universe (a small one though!), I guess i'll be one step closer to translating this knowledge to building statefull server applications.

I'm worried that my OO view of things might interfere with the haskell ways. So yes, what i'm looking for right now is more of a high level "how-to", and that's precisely what you guys provided to me. Thanks for that !

So here is one more question :

Let's say I want unique System names across the Universe ... that would mean i need to have a Data.Map in the Universe, with Name keys and System values. Since all data are values instead of references, would i end up with two copies of each System (in Universe's Data.Map and in its Galaxy), or would these be shared somehow ? In other words, should i go for integer (or maybe access key/tuple) identified objects or just put the System in both Data.Maps it belongs to ?


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