I wanted to add a couple of words that another solution would be to
add an option to xargs in target.mk
        xargs -n NNN
where NNN is less than the OS limit.

(That helped me to build LambdaVM on windows, there are quite a lot of
class files there, and no SPLITOBJS will obviously help)
Editing target.mk isn't a good thing, probably. Maybe some $XARGSOPTS
could be introduced...

BUT trying to register on the wiki resulted in an error with this
python traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/cgi_frontend.py",
line 131, in run
   dispatch_request(req.path_info, req, env)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 139,
in dispatch_request
 File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 107,
in dispatch
   resp = chosen_handler.process_request(req)
 File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/acct_mgr/web_ui.py", line 117, in
 File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/acct_mgr/web_ui.py", line 138, in _do_create
 File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/acct_mgr/api.py", line 88, in set_password
 File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/acct_mgr/htfile.py", line 50, in set_password
 File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/acct_mgr/htfile.py", line 85, in _update_file
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/srv/trac/ghc/trac.htpasswd'

2007/6/4, Simon Peyton-Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I've extended the "what to look for if your build fails" section in

Please do keep adding to this page!  Every time you trip over something, think 
about whether your experience could be used to help someone else.


| -----Original Message-----
| Wrom: 
| Ilari Vuokko
| Sent: 02 June 2007 21:09
| To: Monique Monteiro
| Cc: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
| Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Failure in GHC compilation
| Hi,
| On 6/2/07, Monique Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >   has anyone any idea about what may cause the following error in GHC
| > compilation?
| It's exactly what it says...too long argument list (it's limited in Windows.)
| This is usually caused by having split-objs on, which causes *a lot* of object
| files being generated, all of them passed to ar or ld.
| > c:\ghc\ghc-6.6.1\bin\ar.exe: creating libHSbase.a
| > xargs: c:/ghc/ghc-6.6.1/bin/ar: Argument list too long
| > make[2]: *** [libHSbase.a] Error 126
| > make[2]: *** Deleting file `libHSbase.a'
| > Failed making all in base: 1
| > make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
| > make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/GHC6.6.1/ghc-6.6.1/libraries'
| > make: *** [stage1] Error 2
| Untested: setting SplitObjs=NO in build.mk might help (as there will be less
| object files to pass to ar.
| If ghc head is already using cabal, this problem is solved there.
| It might also be possible to extend ghc build machinery to pass parameters
| in file for ar and ld - but that requires new enough mingw toolchain.
| HTH,
| Esa
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