On 6/18/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Creighton Hogg wrote:
> On 6/18/07, *Andrew Coppin* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     That reminds me... Somebody should write an *OS* in Haskell! :-D
> Well, there hasn't been a lot of work done on the subject but you
> probably should look at
> http://programatica.cs.pdx.edu/House/
> Now if you're seriously asking how one would do it, the basic approach
> taken in the paper was to create a monad H that was a controlled
> subset of IO & that did all the fundamental interactions with the the
> hardware.  The operations of H, as with IO, have to be primitives in
> the runtime that you're using and probably written in C or assembly.

I read about House once. It seemed too far-out to be true.

OTOH, it's only a proof-of-concept system. I doubt it will ever become a
real, usable system, sadly.

Well if no one works on it, that's kind of a given. :-P
But more seriously, what seems so far out about it?  I'm curious.
Also, if this thread of operating systems & functional programming isn't
interesting to other people then we should probably just take it to e-mail &
not the list.
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