On 6/22/07, Tomasz Zielonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The problem is not that it can't tell whether 5.0 and 10 would fit Int
and Double (actually, they do fit), it's that it can't tell if they
won't fit another instance of FooOp.

You expressed the concept in more correct terms but I intended the same...
I'm starting to understand now.

Instances are duplicate if they have the same (or overlapping) instance
heads. An instance head is the thing after =>. What's before => doesn't

So, the context is irrelevant to distinguishing instances?

It seems that Num and Fractional are somewhat related. Any hint?

It's not important here, but indeed they are:
   class (Num a) => Fractional a where

I see. Thank you Tomasz.

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