On Jun 22, 2007, at 2:30 PM, Dan Weston wrote:

This is how I think of it:

lazyIntMult :: Int -> Int -> Int
lazyIntMult 0 _ = 0
lazyIntMult _ 0 = 0
lazyIntMult a b = a * b

*Q> 0 * (5 `div` 0)
*** Exception: divide by zero
*Q> 0 `lazyIntMult` (5 `div` 0)

foldr evaluates a `f` (b `f` (c `f` ...))

Only f knows which arguments are strict and in which order to evaluate them. foldr knows nothing about evaluation order.

And, indeed, if you foldr a function with left zeroes, and you check for them explicitly as lazyIntMult and (||) do, then foldr is guaranteed to terminate early if it finds a zero.

z is a left zero of op if for all x, z `op` x = z.

This isn't the only time foldr will terminate early, but it is an important one.

-Jan-Willem Maessen


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