(Note that the term "nested data type" also/already carries the meaning "non-regular data type", an example being
  data PerfectBinaryTree a = One a | Succ (PerfectBinaryTree (a,a))

Thomas Girod wrote:
recently I was trying to represent complex data by defining several
datatypes and nesting them, such as

data Foo = Foo { foo :: Bar }
    deriving (Eq,Show)
data Bar = Bar { bar :: Int }
    deriving (Eq,Show)

To change only a part of the data, syntactic sugar is quite convenient. But
it seems to be quite painful with nested datatypes.

b = Bar 10
f = Foo b

foobar :: Int -> Foo -> Foo
foobar i f =
    let nb = (foo f){bar = i}
    in f{foo = nb}

So, my question is : is there a nifty way to modify data within a nested
datatype, similar to the f{foo = bar} style ? If not, anyone is using some
kind of workaround for this ?

There is a nifty way, called "functional references". They're a pair of get and set functions

  data Ref s a = Ref { get :: s -> a, set :: a -> s -> s }

The nice thing about them is that we can compose them like functions

  o :: Ref b c -> Ref a b -> Ref a c
  f `o` g = Ref (get f . get g) (\c a -> set (set c f $ get g a) g a)

The example becomes

  data Foo = Foo Bar
  data Bar = Bar Int

  foo :: Ref Foo Bar
  foo = Ref (\(Foo x) -> x) (\x (Foo _) -> Foo y)

  bar :: Ref Bar Int
  bar = Ref (\(Bar x) -> x) (\x (Bar _) -> Bar x)

  foobar :: Ref Foo Int
  foobar = bar `o` foo

See also



  Sander Evers, Peter Achten, and Jan Kuper. "A Functional Programming
  Technique for Forms in Graphical User Interfaces".

Writing getter and setter functions by hand can be tedious but somebody already automated this with Template Haskell or other other preprocessing tools.


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