OK, so it's only tangentally related, but... do you have *any idea* how many times I've written something like

 let x = (some complex function of x)
 in (some other complex function of x)

when in fact what I *meant* to do was type x' instead of x?!

It's really maddening to write 50,000 lines of code, eventually get it to compile, run it, and have the program lock up and start consuming so much virtual memory that the entire PC becomes unstable within seconds. (This isn't helped by the fact that Ctrl+C doesn't seem to make either GHCi or GHC-compiled programs halt...) Now you have 50,000 lines of otherwise untested code, and there's a bug within it *somewhere*... good luck.

Obviously you might very well have *meant* to write x = f x. But would it be possible to add some kind of optional compiler warning to find such assignments? It can be a nightmare trying to track down where you made the mistake...

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