Claus Reinke wrote:
so everything that would be of interest to all haskellers,
including those too busy to follow haskell-cafe, would go to haskell, everything else would go to haskell-cafe.
but even those topics starting out on haskell are meant
to migrate to haskell-cafe after a few posts at most.

in other words, people were meant to subscribe either
to haskell or to haskell+haskell-cafe, and posting to haskell was meant to be a flag able to raise a topic
briefly over the general din in haskell-cafe.

see also the welcome messages:

(note that the second is slightly misleading: *everything*
is off-topic on haskell@ after a few exchanges, i think;
note also that crossposting was explicitly ruled out)

I haven't been able to see how it makes sense to subscribe to haskell@ but not haskell-cafe -- because if a discussion interested you, and went in-depth, you might want to be able to read the whole thread! (It is possible to read the archives, but that doesn't help if you're inspired to _reply_ to the thread...)

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