Don Stewart wrote:
It was raised at CUFP today that while Python has:

    Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that can be
    used for many kinds of software development. It offers strong
    support for integration with other languages and tools, comes with
    extensive standard libraries, and can be learned in a few days. Many
    Python programmers report substantial productivity gains and feel
    the language encourages the development of higher quality, more
    maintainable code.

With the links from the start about using Python for various purposes,
along with reassuring text about licenses and so on.
Note its all about how it can help you.

Many people invent and promote new programming languages because it is thought that they will improve productivity, reliability, maintainability, extensibility, evolvability, readability, writability, XXXivity, YYYbility, ...

Call me a skeptic, cynical, ivory-tower, completely detached, you-need-to-get-out-more academic, but since almost every programming language inventor gets to make such claims, or at least state such aims, they are bordering on becoming meaningless commercial buzzwords, like every company says and lies about "customers are number one!" Even if the claims are true, they are non-sequiturs because they're what programming languages are supposed to be! (Executability is very important too; are you going to emphasize it?) And are the claims ever true? I'm sure they're noble aims, but if anyone claims any of them is achieved, such as the Python statement claims productivity gains, I'll ask the Greg Wilson question: where is your data? And I'll add my own: do you just poll "feelings" or do you actually measure objective deliverables?

Granted, perhaps your perspective is, if every other company is shouting "customers are number one", then ours must too, and who actually lives up to it is the non-sequitur here. You're in the buzzword war, not the evidence war. OK, then make sure you include executability, as the Python guys in their infinite wisdom have forgotten that one. You'll trump them on that point, ha!

My point is, you want to say, "this language is about you". OK, that sounds right about "customers are number one", and we pretty know what that's about. If it's supposed to be false anyway, fine, you're saying it for a reason, so just copy every other company's silly buzzwords and throw in more silly buzzwords that even other companies have forgotten about. And if it's supposed to be true, do you have proof?

My academic, rational, technical-merit perspective is, we state Haskell for what it is. We state it has FFI. We state we have QuickCheck. We state it is purely functional, non-strict, monadic. If we suspect readers don't know those words, use some other words. Let the readers decide what these mean to their software engineering objectives. We don't claim software engineering objectives for them; we don't have data to prove any. The moment we refrain from unproved claims, we stand out from the snake oil salespeople. The moment we cut that "it's about you" crap, the moment we go back to the basics and say "this is our offer, take your time to consider it", that's when the whole business is truly about the readers.

To exemplify, I now analyze the Python statement under my glass:

"dynamic object-oriented": Good, informative, I know those words and I am the one to decide its implications to me.

"can be used for many kinds of software development": Informationless. Which major programming language can't be? It's OK to list, instead, in a subsequent paragraph a roster of the many kinds allured to.

"strong integration", "extensive libraries": Good, these are distinguishing technical offers, I want to know them.

"can be learned in a few days": Though this one isn't backed by studies, I won't call it bluff. This one is not a big deal. Unfortunately, Haskell is unlikely to be learned in a few days. Fortunately, Haskell is likely to revolutionize minds in a few days.

"Many Python programmers report substantial ...": Substantial claim it is. Snake oil, unless proved otherwise.
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