Jonathan Cast adds 'something' to a discussion about pi.
I commented the statement of Yitzchak Gale, who answered some point
of Dan Piponi:
> A default implementation of pi would only increase usability,
> not decrease it.

I said:
Can you provide some examples of this "increased usability"?
If possible, with a *relevant* context, which shows that PI should belong
by default to the class Floating (whatever we mean by that...)

pi /is/ a method of class Floating.  It just doesn't have a default

Now, do you have anything to propose, or you just want to criticise
my wording? If I ask why should I be a nice fellow, and you say that I am
a nice fellow, this makes me happy, but doesn't answer my question... Mind you, we are discussing possible solutions, not just the status quo. Jerzy Karczmarczuk
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