Don Stewart wrote:

Didn't someone already prove all monads can be implemented in terms of Cont?

Cont and StateT, wasn't it?
And the schemers have no choice about running in StateT :)

You sure? I want to see the proof :)

Last time I stumbled upon something like this, the "proof" was to embed every monad m in the type

  type Cont m a = forall b . (a -> m b) -> m b

with an

  instance Monad (Cont m) where ...

_independent_ of whether m is a monad or not.

The problem I see with it is that we didn't really encode m with it since we're still dependent on return and (>>=) via

  project :: Monad m => Cont m a -> m a
  project f = f return


  inject :: Monad m => m a -> Cont m a
  inject x = (x >>=)

I mean, the starting point for a concrete monad M are some primitive operations like

  get :: M s
  put :: s -> M ()

and a function

  observe :: M a -> (S -> (a,S))

together with laws for the primitive operations (= operational semantics)

  observe (put s >>= x) = \_ -> observe (x ()) s
  observe (get >>= x)   = \s -> observe (x s ) s

and for return

  observe (return a)    = \s -> (a,s)

Now, implementing a monad means to come up with a type M and functions (>>=) and return that fulfill the monad laws. (In general, the result type of observe is _not_ M a !) This can be done with the standard trick of implementing stuff as constructors (see Unimo for details

But - and that's the problem - I don't see how it can be done with Cont in all cases. It works for the above state monad (*) but what about primitives like

  mplus  :: m a -> m a -> m a
  callcc :: ((a -> m r) -> m r) -> m a

that have monadic arguments in a contravariant position (possibly even universally quantified)?


*: Here you go:

  type Observe s a = s -> (a,s)
  type State s a   = Cont (Observe s) a

  get   = \x -> (\s -> observe (x s ) s)  -- law for get
  put s = \x -> (\_ -> observe (x ()) s)  -- law for put

  observe f = f $ \a -> (\s -> (a,s))  -- law for  observe (return a)

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