Yes, htmls are better than pdfs (more lightweight, easier to
 work with if exact page layout is not important). I just wanted
 to point out that it is possible to link into some particular
 place of a pdf document. So the linking availability should
 not be the argument by itself. I would prefer html too but if
 pdf is required otherwise, it would be nice if link suppliers
 would provide more precise links. To spread the information
 that they can do so is the main reason I responded.


Jon Fairbairn wrote:
Peter Hercek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jon Fairbairn wrote:
 > A hyperlink of the form <a
interesting bit</a> is far more useful than one of the form
<a href="http://.../long-research-paper.pdf";>look for
section 49.7.3</a>.  It may not seem significant, but when
one is attempting to learn some new part of Haskell it's
really off-putting.
Pdfs are not that bad.

No, they (or at least links to them) typically are that bad!
Mind you, as far as fragment identification is concerned, so
are a lot of html pages.  But even if the links do have
fragment ids, pdfs still impose a significant overhead: I
don't want stuff swapped out just so that I can run a pdf
viewer; a web browser uses up enough resources as it is. And
will Hoogle link into pdfs?

The above definitely works OK on windows, not sure about linux
 pdf viewers.

Works perfectly on my Fedora 7 systems.

While this would be a definite improvement over having to
search through the pdf, the delay and the fact that pdfs
aren't as good as html for on-line viewing are still enough
of an overhead that it's discouraging. If I'm using PHP (an
execrable language), I can type the name (or something like
the name) of any function into the search box on the PHP
manual webpage and get useful (albeit often extremely
irritating from a Haskell programmer's point of view)
results straight back.  Even including my language
designer's distaste for PHP, this can make writing a wee bit
of PHP a less onerous event than writing the same thing in
Haskell -- definitely not what we want!

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