TJ wrote:

    data Showable = forall a. Show a => Showable a
    stuff = [Showable 42, Showable "hello", Showable 'w']

Which is exactly the kind of 2nd-rate treatment I dislike.

I am saying that Haskell's type system forces me to write boilerplate.

Nice :) I mean, the already powerful Hindley-Milner type system is free of type annotations (= boilerplate). It's existential types and other higher-rank types that require annotations because type inference in full System F (the basis of Haskell's type system so to speak) is not decidable. In other words, there is simply no way to have System F without boilerplate.

That being said, there is still the quest for a minimal amount of boilerplate and in the right place. That's quite a hard problem, but people are working on that, see for instance

     [exists a. Show a => a]

I actually don't understand that line. Substituting forall for exists,
someone in my previous thread said that it means every element in the
list is polymorphic, which I don't understand at all, since trying to
cons anything onto the list in GHCi results in type errors.

Let's clear the eerie fog surrounding universal quantification in this thread.

-+- The mathematical symbol for  forall  is  ∀  (Unicode)
                                 exists  is  ∃

-+- ∀a.(a -> a) means:
    you give me a function (a -> a) that I can apply
    to _all_ argument types  a  I want.

  ∃a.(a -> a) means:
    you give me a function (a -> a) and tell me that
    _there is_ a type  a  that I can apply this function to.
    But you don't tell me the type  a  itself. So, this particular
    example ∃a.(a -> a) is quite useless and can be replaced with ().

-+- A more useful example is

    ∃a. Show a => a   i.e.  ∃a.(a -> String, a)

So, given a value (f,x) :: ∃a.(a -> String, a), we can do

    f x :: String

but that's pretty much all we can do. The type is isomorphic to a simple String.

    ∃a.(a -> String, a)  ~  String

So, instead of storing a list [∃a. Show a => a], you may as well store a list of strings [String].

-+- Since ∀ and ∃ are clearly different, why does Haskell have only one of them and even uses ∀ to declare existential types? The answer is the following relation:

  ∃a.(a -> a) = ∀b. (∀a.(a -> a) -> b) -> b

So, how to compute a value b from an existential type ∃a.(a -> a)? Well, we have to use a function ∀a.(a -> a) -> b that works for any input type (a -> a) since we don't know which one it will be.

More generally, we have

  ∃a.(f a)    = ∀b. (∀a.(f a) -> b) -> b

for any type  f a  that involves a, like

  f a = Show a => a
  f a = a -> a
  f a = (a -> String, a)

and so on.

Now, the declaration

  data Showable = forall a. Show a => Showable a

means that the constructor Showable gets the type

  Showable :: ∀a. Show a => a -> Showable

and the deconstructor is

  caseS :: Showable -> ∀b. (∀a.(Show a => a) -> b) -> b
  caseS sx f = case sx of { Showable x -> f x }

which is the same as

  caseS :: Showable -> ∃a. Show a => a

. GADT-notation clearly shows the ∀

  data Showable where
    Showable :: ∀a -> Showable

-+- The position of the quantifier matters.
- Exercise 1: Explain why

  [∀a.a]  ∀a.[a]  [∃a.a]  and  ∃a.[a]

are all different.
- Exercise 2: ∀ can be lifted along function arrows, whereas ∃ can't. Explain why

  String -> ∀a.a   =   ∀a.String -> a
  String -> ∃a.a  =/=  ∃a.String -> a

Since ∀ can always be lifted to the top, we usually don't write it explicitly in Haskell.

-+- Existential types are rather limited when used for OO-like stuff but are interesting for ensuring invariants via the type system or when implementing algebraic data types. Here the "mother of all monads" in GADT-notation

  data FreeMonad a where
    return :: a -> FreeMonad a
    (>>=)  :: ∀b. FreeMonad b -> (b -> FreeMonad a) -> FreeMonad a

Note the existential quantification of b . (The ∀b can be dropped, like the ∀a has been.)


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