On Mon, 2007-11-12 at 16:16 -0500, Joe Buehler wrote:
> Chris Smith wrote:
> > Right, which is why I'm trying to avoid reinventing it.  Writing a new 
> > HTML editor is not even a consideration.  I'm looking at the effort to 
> > integrate the Mozilla editor component, and wondering if there are other 
> > components that could be used instead in a Gtk2Hs application.
> A not-so-well-known feature of X11 is reparenting of windows.  You should
> be able to take any X11 app and have it display in a window of your choice
> inside your app.  So pick an HTML editor and integrate it into your app
> that way.

Ah yes, that's a good point. Gtk+ and Gtk2hs support this X11 feature:

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