Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Nov 22, 2007, at 14:25 , Andrew Coppin wrote:

It's just installing anything from Hackage which turns out to be really difficult. I understand Windows developers are a tad rare round here, so maybe that's understandable. I'd certainly be interested in hearing about anything practical that I can do to improve things on the Windows side...

I suspect this requires a wrapper around Cabal so a suitably equipped Windows developer can build a package and then wrap it up in an InstallerVise (or etc.) installer.

What's actually involved in installing a 100% Haskell package? I was under the impression you just need to put the compiled code somewhere nice, and then tell GHC where you put it?

Would it not be possible to write a Cabal package description that just takes a bunch of binary objects, puts them somewhere, and tells GHC?

(Obviously if the package is a binding to some external library things become more complex...)

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