> Don Stewart wrote:
> >
> >I forgot to mention this early, but possibly you could use the ndp array 
> >library. There are some people using its UArr type for (non parallel)
> >strict arrays, that support map/fold/zip et al.
> >
> >    http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/ndp/
> >
> >This blog post recently,
> >
> >    http://sequence.complete.org/node/371
> >
> >shows at least one non-developer is using it :)
> >
> >Roman, what do you think -- are the unlifted, non-parallel arrays usably 
> >`beta'?
> Yes, they definitely are. UArr uses stream fusion, BTW, so things should 
> fuse sometimes.
> On a more general note, we plan to put a generally usable UArr-like 
> layer underneath the current standard array types eventually. This would 
> provide all interesting operations as well as fusion. It might take a 
> while (i.e., months) until I get around to doing it, though.

Would it be possible to separate out the UArr modules from the larger
ndp project (which needs ghc head and type families). I.e. just one
smaller package for fast, fusable arrays we can work on?

-- Don
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