On 2007.12.19 10:57:33 -0500, David Roundy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled 0.3K 
> No, I don't have time.  And I'm not sure why one would want no borders
> on floating windows...
> David

Perhaps I don't fully understand the issues, but wouldn't such a thing be nice 
for things like MPlayer?

The other day, I happened to play a video through MPlayer, and I noticed (using 
smartBorders/NoBorders)  that there was an ugly border on the left and upper 
edges, and that it detracted from the cinematic experience. It was otherwise 
fullscreen and nice, but not as good as it could've been.

picking FID DES Mole Cap-Stun timers Z7 NAAP 2.6.2. ARC

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