Thanks Jed,

That works (or at least it's taking ages to error :-) )

Jed Brown wrote:
On 24 Jan 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there

I have a list of ints, with values between 0 and 255 and I need to print them
out in little endian form to a file.

I've been using Data.Binary for single values, e.g.

runPut $ do
put 'B'
put (0 :: Int32)

This will be big endian by default.  If it needs to be little endian,
use Data.Binary.Put.putWord32le and relatives.  With a list, you could
do something like:

  runPut $ mapM_ (putWord32le . fromIntegral) listOfInts

I hope this helps.


Jamie Love
Senior Consultant
Aviarc Australia
Mobile: +61 400 548 048

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