I started a AMQP library; there really isn't a lot there but at least
I was able to connect to the server.  Here is the code and hopefully
someone else can continue with the project.   The AMQP protocol is
moderately complex.  HTTP is simple and stuff like RMI, JMS, Database
Protocols are really complicated.  AMQP seems to be in the middle.
There is a lot of documentation and at least two good implementations.
 The included java implementation and I used the python implementation
as a guide.


Here is my source (in subversion):

If were to make a suggestion; Barry's python code is really easy to
follow.  I would suggest using that as a guide. and if you are brave,
you can really analyze the protocol and just go off the docs.  Either

My code got as far as connecting to the server, sending the protocol
out and getting back an initial response.  I didnt build a queue
message (frame) or much else.
Berlin Brown
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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