Op 22-feb-2008, om 1:54 heeft Conal Elliott het volgende geschreven:
The goal redesigning for composability is that we get more for less. Haddock can focus on its speciality, namely hyperlinked Haskell code documentation, and pandoc on its, namely human- writable and -readable prose with modern features (images, friendly hyperlinks, smart quotes & dashes, footnotes, super- and subscripts, pretty math, bibliography-style link specs, etc). Haddock development can focus its resources on Haskell-specific functionality, and we library writers can still use a full-featured mark-up language.
While I like the idea of a very powerful authoring system, I doubt that we should mix the documentation code with the source code. It seems much clearer to me to separate such heavily-formatted documentation from the source into separate files.

Of course, the source code includes comments that specify what functions do, and so provide a bit of API documentation. But such comments should contain as little formatting as possible to keep them readable in a text editor.

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