We are pleased to announce the first release candidate of wxHaskell

This is the first update with binary packages available since June 2005,
and is the result of a great deal of work by a new team of contributors.

We are hoping to make a full release shortly, and issues and bug reports
either through the wxHaskell user mailing list
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or via the Sourceforge bug tracker

Highlights of 0.10.3 rc1 include:

- Support for Unicode builds of wxWidgets
- Support for additional widgets including calendar, toolbar divider,
styled text control (wxScintilla), media control
- Support for clipboard, drag and drop
- Support for 64bit (Linux) targets
- Support for wxWidgets 2.6.x (support for wxWidgets 2.4.2 retained if
you compile from source)
- Support for building with GHC 6.6.x and 6.8.x
- Parts of wxHaskell are now built with Cabal
- New test cases
- Removed support GHC version < 6.4
- Profiling support
- Smaller generated binary sizes (using --split-objs)

Binary packages are available from the wxHaskell download site at
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=73133, for the
following platforms:

- Debian
- Windows
- OS X (Intel and PPC platforms)
- Source code .tar.gz and .zip
- Documentation (cross-platform)

About wxHaskell

wxHaskell is a Haskell binding to the wxWidgets GUI library. It provides
a native look and feel on Windows, OS X and Linux, and a medium level
programming interface.

The main project page for wxHaskell is at
The latest source code for wxHaskell can always be obtained from
There are developer ([EMAIL PROTECTED] and user
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) mailing lists, and a wiki page
at http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/WxHaskell which can provide more
information to those interested.

wxHaskell was originally created by Daan Leijen. The contributors to
this new release include:

- Eric Kow
- shelarcy
- Arie Middelkoop
- Mads Lindstroem
- Jeremy O'Donoghue
- Lennart Augustson
  Jeremy O'Donoghue

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