You can translate the following algorithm (written in Maple 11), which can be made purely functional. [For the cognoscenti: attributes are implemented in-place in Maple, but that is really just an instance of the Decorator pattern which can be just as easily implemented with a functional Map]. Note that all the assignments below are really just let bindings.


longestIncreasingSequence := proc(L::list)
local n,i,j,G;
uses GraphTheory;
   n := nops(L);
   G := Digraph(n
                , {seq(seq(`if`(L[i]<L[j]
                                , [i,j]
                                , NULL
                           , j = i+1..n)
                       , i = 1..n-1)}
end proc:
LongestPathOfDAG := proc(G)
local len, sources, v;
uses GraphTheory;
   len := proc(v)
   option cache;
   local j,dep,longest;
   uses GraphTheory;
       dep := Departures(G,v);
       if dep = [] then
           longest := max(seq(procname(j), j in dep));
           setattribute(1 + longest, v, attributes(longest));
       end if;
   end proc;
   sources := select(v -> Arrivals(G,v)=[], Vertices(G));
   [attributes(max(seq(len(v), v in sources)))];
end proc:
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