Roberto Zunino wrote:
Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
Peter Gavin:
will work if the non-taken branch can't be unified with anything.  Is
this planned? Is it even feasible?
I don't think i entirely understand the question.

Maybe he wants, given

  cond :: Cond x y z => x -> y -> z
  tt :: True
  true_exp  :: a
  false_exp :: <<<untypable>>>


  cond tt true_exp false_exp :: a

That is the type of false_exp is "lazily inferred", so that type errors
do not make inference fail if they show up in an unneeded place.

Yes, that's exactly what I want, but for type families (not MPTC). I think it could be done if the type arguments were matched one at a time, across all visible instances.

So given

> data True
> data False
> type family Cond x y z
> type instance Cond True y z = y
> type instance Cond False y z = z

the first argument (x) of Cond would be matched before y and z are inferred. Then if x is True, the type checker would see that z is never used on the RHS, so it would not bother trying to infer it at all.

If we had subtyping, typing that as Top would suffice, I believe.


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