On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 05:15 -0400, Dominic Espinosa wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to install hscurses on debian-testing. I have ghc6 installed,
> which I've written some toy programs with, but I haven't tried to
> install any Hackage packages until now.
> hscurses depends on old-time and old-locale (those names make me raise
> my eyebrows a bit). In turn, old-time seems to depend on old-locale. So,
> I tried installing old-locale first. In installed fine. Now I'm trying
> to install old-time:

I think you must be using ghc-6.6.x in which case you do not need
old-time and indeed you cannot install it. The modules in old-time were
included in the base package in ghc-6.6.x and split out into the
old-time package in ghc-6.8.x.

So the problem is that hscurses is not buildable out-of-the-box with
ghc-6.6.x. You can probably hack it by editing the hscurses.cabal file
and removing old-locale and old-time from the build-depends field.

On the hackage page for hscurses

it says:
Built on ghc-6.8

what this doesn't say clearly is that this means it did not build on


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