Grzegorz Chrupala wrote:
Hi all,
I just noticed that a tiny change to the program which I posted recently in
the "More idiomatic use of strictness" thread causes a space leak.

The code is:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, PatternGuards #-}
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Char
split delim s
        | [] <- rest = [token]
        | otherwise = token : split delim (tail rest)
   where (token,rest) = span (/=delim) s

main = do
  putStrLn =<< fmap (show . stats ["the","a","and"] . split "<DOC>" . words)

stats ws docs =  foldl' f ((map (const 0) ws),0) docs
    where f (dfs,n) d = let dfs' = zipWith (\w df -> (df + fromEnum (w
`elem` d))) ws dfs
                        in  sum dfs' `seq` (dfs',n+1)

If I change this line:
  putStrLn =<< fmap (show . stats ["the","a","and"] . split "<DOC>" . words)
to this:
  putStrLn =<< fmap (show . stats ["the","a","and"] . split "<DOC>" . words
.. map toLower) getContents

suddenly the programs starts using tons of memory instead of running in
small constant space.
What's going on?


  split "<DOC>" . words . map toLower = (:[]) . words . map toLower

Since you converted everything to lowercase, the string "<DOC>" will never appear in the text, resulting in a single huge document. Furthermore, due to `elem` d , your stats function takes space proportional to the length of each document it processes.

Beauty & makeup tips:

    putStrLn =<< fmap f getContents
  = putStrLn . f =<< getContents
 ~= interact f

Here's a version with glittering nail polish that should run in constant space:

  split y xs = zs : case xs' of
          []    -> []
          _:xs' -> split y xs'
      where (zs,xs') = break (==y) xs

  main = interact $
      show . stats ["the","a","and"] . split "<DOC>" . words

  zipWith' f xs ys = zipWith f xs ys `using` rnf

  stats ws = foldl' (zipWith' (+)) zero
      . map (foldl' (zipWith' max) zero . map bits)
      zero   = map (const 0) ws
      bits v = map (fromEnum . (== v)) ws


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